Ionian Contemporary
Animation Festival ICONA
December 5th - December 8th, 2024
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Don't Feed the Unicorn

Screening: Student Competition 3
United States 2024
Duration: 02:55
Directed: Kimberly Jiali Peh, Katherine Marie Hogan
Screenplay: Kimberly Jiali Peh, Katherine Marie Hogan
Production: Kimberly Jiali Peh, Katherine Marie Hogan
Dialogue Language: English

While foraging in a mystical forest, a young troll boy named Junior decides to secretly feed a wild unicorn some snacks despite his dad’s warnings not to. The unicorn begins following him for more and more food, growing increasingly persistent and manic before finally getting caught by Senior. Senior finishes the bag of Troll Mix snacks, causing the unicorn to get enraged and make him her next meal! Senior gets dragged away to the unicorn’s evil cave lair, where Junior has to come to the rescue. However, during their escape, they are caught and both run away from the unicorn and her magic. At the height of the chase, Junior distracts the unicorn with the empty bag of Troll Mix while Senior cuts the rope bridge. The unicorn attempts a final bite at the trolls, but falls down the deep canyon to her apparent demise. Leaving the trail, Junior spots another young troll with his own snacks, and frantically warns him not to feed the unicorn. The young troll doesn’t listen, and gets dragged away by the unicorn.

Department of Audio & Visual Arts