Ionian Contemporary
Animation Festival ICONA
December, 2nd-5th, 2021
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A Man Walks Into A Bank

Screening: Professional Competition 6
South Africa
Duration: 02:25
Directed: James Whitelaw

(Short) A Man Walks Into A Bank, pre Covid 19, with a mask on, and alarm bells ring. The same man walks into the same bank post Covid 19, without a mask, and the same alarm bells ring. (Long) A Man Walks Into A Bank, pre Covid 19, with a mask on, and alarm bells ring. The same man walks into the same bank post Covid 19, without a mask, and the same alarm bells ring. The movie an observation that something that may be unusual or peculiar, or even illegal or wrong today in a certain setting, may seem normal or acceptable, or legal and right tomorrow in another setting. Or the setting may stay the same but as the time changes, what was odd, strange, illegal or wrong at one time, is now normal, acceptable, legal and right in another time.

Department of Audio & Visual Arts